Change Lives with Education

Provide a scholarship for a child or teenager in Mexico

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raised towards $10,000 goal




Provide a scholarship for a child or teenager in Mexico

Help us break the cycle!

We want children and teens to escape the cycle of poverty, crime, and violence that is ravaging the communities we serve in Juarez and Anapra, Mexico.

The "Stay in School" Scholarship is available to children and youth in Mexico who demonstrate academic potential and great economic hardship. They are participants in the programs of YLM's missions and must submit proof of attendance and passing grades while receiving the scholarship. This scholarship encourages families to support attendance and academic achievement of their children rather than pulling them out of school when financial hardship might otherwise demand their child start working or stay home to care for younger siblings. Students attend the public or private school of their choice.

This $700 scholarship is dispersed to the family of a child in Mexico gradually throughout the year: $150 at the start of the school year, and $50 monthly during the academic year to assist with costs of tuition, uniforms (academic and physical education), food, and transportation.

Recipients are selected and the program is monitored by a committee to include YLM Staff and members of the partner organizations in Mexico participating int the program. For more information, contact the YLM at (915) 858-2588.